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Gas mass flowmeter - China gas plant network

 Shenzhen and wei hua industrial company mainly developing gas equipment, (0755-25887166 huang qiao). Division I operating gas flowmeter are: gas turbine flowmeter, roots flowmeter, gas mass flowmeter, household diaphragm gas meter, intelligent flowmeter, product technology in the domestic leading level. Products through the national testing inspection bureau of standard measurement, high accuracy, good repeatability, wide range than; Safe and reliable quality, the price is lower than similar foreign products. Products are widely used in city gas, petroleum, chemical industry, metallurgy, mining, various industrial and commercial enterprises used industrial gas or gas measurement.

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Website: China gas equipment

Single location: shenzhen wei hua industrial co., LTD

Address: shenzhen luohu district pine garden road 88 garden building 19 c

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Contact: huang qiao

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Telephone: 0755-25887166

Fax: 0755-25887232


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